La mirada del otro - María Teresa Muñoz

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Delivery weight: 85 g

‘In any art, the means of regeneration must be external’. Thus begins this book, with a categorical and precise phrase that also synthesises the common purpose that beats behind these texts gathered: the certainty in the demand on the regeneration of architecture and the inescapable need to turn to exterior instances to accomplish this renovation. Maria Teresa Muñoz revises the work of Beckmann, Höch, Kandisky, Steinberg, Oteiza and Ferrant, all plastic artists one way or another related to the vanguards (therefore, with the functional and terminal simultaneously), keeping one attentive eye on the creation process, whose ultimate ratio will always be elusive, enigmatic, and the other eye looking against the light to the unstable and imprecise condition of architecture that can and must be considered presently.

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