Arquitextura - Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi

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Delivery weight: 100 g

Having trouble understanding the latest trends in architecture today? Don't worry, there are few who can find their way around buildings with glossy finishes or envelopes that look like ruins. And it is hard to see why the buildings signed by the great architects no longer reflect the traditional rules of good composition or the Vitruvian triad: solidity, utility and beauty. What is more, their buildings are covered in gold leaf, incorporate gigantic images, are coated with vegetation or do not seem to rest on the ground. 

Yet by examining this abundance of signs, of often superficial, seemingly meaningless, sometimes chaotic, sometimes laconic textures, we can find the key to understanding how our way of life is changing and try to get a sense of where we are and where we are going. 


Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi 

(Catania, 1956) Architect, Professor of History of Contemporary Design at the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA) and President of the Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica. An essayist and architecture critic, his books have anticipated the Italian architectural debate on relevant contemporary issues. His main works include: La Storia dell'architettura 1905-2018; Rem Koolhaas. Trasparenze Metropolitane; HyperArchitecttura; This is Tomorrow, a vanguardie e architecttura contemporanea; Tre parole per il prossimo futuro or New Directions in Contemporary Architecture: Evolutions and Revolutions in Building Design since 1988; as well as Breve curso de arquitectura crítica. He writes for numerous magazines such as L'Arca, Abitare, Construire, Domus, Architectural Design, A10, etc. and since 2003 he has been the editor of the digital magazine presS/Tletter. 



Collection Inmersiones: COAM 2011 Distinction for the dissemination of architecture. 



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