Fragmentos de planta y espacio: sistema diédrico en Enric Miralles - Javier Fernández Contreras

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The impact of the use of representation systems in general, and the dihedral system in particular, on architectural thinking has historically remained an underexplored topic in architectural theory. It is only in recent decades that the voice of important critics such as Stan Allen, and above all the seminal research of Robin Evans, has focused attention on how much the use of orthogonal planar projections —plan, elevation and section— conditions, rigidifies and "cubifies" architectural thinking. 

It is in the context of this particular revision of the relationship between systems of representation and thought that the work of Enric Miralles takes on even greater singularity. Miralles tried from the outset to fragment the constrictions of the dihedral box. "I always project from plans, never from sections or three-dimensional configurations", he said in a famous interview published in 1995. The present text is inserted within this sentence and takes it as a hypothesis, exploring Enric Miralles' particular redefinition of the use of the dihedral system. 


Javier Fernandez Contreras

(1982) Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, 2006), International PhD in Advanced Architectural Projects (ETSAM, 2013) with the doctoral thesis La Planta Miralles: Representation and Thought in the Architecture of Enric Miralles, finalist in 2015 in the X Biennial Architecture Thesis Competition Arquia/Thesis. Since 2018 he is director of the School of Interior Architecture at the Haute École d'art et de Design de Genève (HEAD-Genève), having previously taught at ETSAM in Spain (2006-2012), Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool University in China (XJTLU, 2013-2014), ETH Zurich in Switzerland (2016). His work explores the relationship between representational systems and architectural thinking. His critical articles have been published in various books and journals, including: Massilia Annuaire d'études corbuséennes, Perspectives in Metropolitan Research, Arqitectura COAM, RA Revista de Arquitectura, CIRCO, Princeton 306090. 



Collection Inmersiones: COAM 2011 Distinction for the dissemination of architecture. 


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