General conditions

General conditions

General considerations when placing an order:

  1. Including a new product in our web does not imply its availability in real time in our warehouse or bookshop. We cannot guarantee the availability of all the products advertised in the web page.
    Although the information about the availability of books is very accurate, it is not always exact.
    When you place an order, if the state is ‘immediately available it means that is ready available for sale, as we have copies in the bookshop. Other states for book availability will appear on the page itself, indicating the delay in delivery. The delivery periods of books that are out of stock are an approximation based on previous experiences with different suppliers, so they are merely for guidance. Under no circumstances the indicated delivery periods imply a obligation on the part of the bookshop.
    If you have ordered several items and some of them are not immediately available you can decide if you want to have the titles on stock sent right away with a cost of 6.00 or 8.00 Euros (depending of the chosen payment method) and then have the rest sent later with a cost of 4.00 or 6.00 Euros; or you can wait and have everything sent at the same time, the cost of this will be indicated on the web page.
  2. The orders will be processed from Monday to Friday within the next 24 hours after receiving the order. The orders received after 13:00 pm on Friday and during the weekend will be processed the following Monday. We will also specify the closing period for holidays (when necessary) or if for any other reason the virtual shop is closed.
    During the processing of the order we will keep the client informed about the state of it as well as any other event that might arise.
  3. If the order is not delivered within the estimated periods, please, let us know (by telephone, email or fax) to make the appropriate complaint to the carrier. You must take into account that courier services do not deliver goods on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. Under no circumstances the failure to fulfil the estimated periods will justify the reimbursement of the delivery costs.

Privacy and confidentiality policy

In compliance with the provisions set forth by the Fundamental Law 15/1999, 13th December, of Personal Data Protection, in the moment that a client places the order, all personal data, address and method of payment are incorporated into our database, to be used exclusively to process the order and to send information about sales and services that can be of interest for our clients.


EDICIONES ASIMÉTRICAS guarantees the confidentiality of the information provided by our clients, and declares that it will not give this information to third parties.


Nevertheless, the clients of EDICIONES ASIMÉTRICAS will, at any time, be able to exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel or disagree, by informing us in writing on our email address