Palimpsesto Architectonico - Alberto Campo Baeza

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Delivery weight: 125 g

A manuscript that is erased so that it can be written over, but which retains the traces of what was previously written: that is a palimpsest. And this is how Alberto Campo Baeza presents in this book "layers of ideas, images and feelings" —as De Quincey wrote— and in which his reflections, his architectural loves, his sources of inspiration, his favourite poets, architects, philosophers and writers are superimposed, to explore, once again, not what is fashionable and ephemeral about architecture but what is constant, eternal, universal: light, time, gravity, space, beauty... 

In this compilation of his latest writings, almost all of them unpublished and from lectures given at different schools around the world, Campo Baeza addresses his young students and colleagues with his usual generosity and enthusiasm, offering essential advice (and perhaps rare today precisely because of its simplicity and directness) on designing, researching and teaching. 

Because when one reflects on what one really cares about, with intellectual honesty and from the long memory of a successful teaching and professional life, can thought be anything other than a palimpsest? 


Alberto Campo Baeza

In 2020 he received the National Architecture Prize. His works range from small houses such as Casa Turégano, Casa Gaspar, Casa de Blas, Casa del Infinito or Casa Raumplan, to large works such as Caja Granada, the Advisory Council of Zamora or, recently, the Sports Centre of the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid. He has been Professor of Projects at the ETSAM of the UPM since 1986 and has taught at the ETH in Zurich, the EPFL in Lausanne, Penn University in Philadelphia, the CUA in Washington and other universities around the world. In 2014 he became a full Academician of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Spain and was made a Fellow of the RIBA in London in the same year. His work has been exhibited, published and awarded numerous prizes. He has published numerous books, including La idea construida, Pensar con las manos and Textos críticos #1. 




Collection Inmersiones: COAM 2011 Distinction for the dissemination of architecture. 



Alberto Campo Baeza:

Alberto Campo Baeza:

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