In a discipline in which the image of the city and the anthropic environment are a fictitious construction created from a determined selection, Hidden Architecture challenges the assumed dogmas in relation to what is published massively, focusing on what remains veiled. This book is a compilation of projects based on the idea of travel, both real and imagined, that outlines an expanding Atlas emphasizing the physical, emotional, and cultural experience of touring the works.
Alberto Martínez García (Madrid, Spain. 1988) Architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) and Master of Architecture II post-professional degree from The Cooper Union (New York). Currently living and working in New York, I have previously worked and lived in Shanghai, Amsterdam, Portugal, England, and Madrid. My interests include the importance of history in contemporary architecture, the evolution of housing, and the expression of contemporary culture on a small scale such as interior and product design.
Héctor Rivera Bajo (Ciudad Real, Spain. 1987) Architect from Higher Technical School of Architecture of Alcalá (ETSAUAH). After some years of studying and working at Lisboa and Madrid, I am currently settled down in Zürich. My interests are focused on the use of certain spatial patterns within the domesticity realm to trace Territorial Hierarchies and produce identity by social and community space. This approach to the Infrastructural Nature of Architecture must be considered from a critical attitude in regard to architectural historiography.