MORAR Arte y experiencia de la condición doméstica - Álvaro Galmés Cerezo


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 Vivienda (home) in Spanish is the present participle of the verb vivir. The home is something that has to be lived, like a diary that contains notes of what has to be done. Here the ‘vivienda’ will end up forming a ‘convivienda’, a place delimited in the earth where human life unfolds and is shared favouring a well plaited knot of human lives. The analysis of the home encloses a theory of the ‘constructed place’ (house) that, in turn, is tributary of an anthropology outlined in its connection with that place. In the absence of technical literature and recognised authorities on which to rest, Alvaro Galmés resorts to poets, novelists, philosophers and any creator that has given significant news about this ‘dwelling’. He sets out with patience and delicacy this recollecting work to unhurriedly register, with very uncommon sensibility and deepness, all the folds, creases, sinuosity and very subtle nuances of human intimacy in the founded and inhabited house.

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