Programme without credits - VV.AA. [S.Blasco y L.Insúa (eds.) - Com. Madrid]

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Delivery weight: 500 g

This book brings together the material resulting from the planning and development of the Programme Without Credits, a collective research project based on practice and action that sought to activate experimental modes, materials and tools in order to open up artistic communities of learning to the wider society.


Its launch, as a research lab at the Sala de Arte Joven of the Comunidad de Madrid, sparked many different ideas about how to activate an experimental programme which could open up formal artistic education and make it more flexible, particularly at the university level. Through texts and images put together by the Programme’s team, this publication offers new insights into the fertile and ongoing debate on the modes and ways that surround artistic learning, widening its scope to include museums’ public programmes, criticism regarding collaborative art practices, university communities for reading, and the possible policies when working inside/outside the institutions.

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