El arquitecto en perspectiva - Carlos J. Irisarri Martínez

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This is an essay on the role of the architect in today's society, which seeks to be critical and, moreover, combative. Armed with a deep knowledge of the history of the profession, its author seeks lessons from the past that illuminate paths for the architect of the future. It is not only about the individual but also about the collective, in the belief that there remain opportunities for corporatism. 

The reasons for many of today's adversities are to be found in the still valid Vitruvian heritage, in the twists and turns produced under totalitarian regimes or in the survival of enlightened ways of doing things, when the old trade became a modern profession. In addition, and although it may be painful, he warns against common ideas that are being dangerously installed in schools, paradigms sought as lifelines and which are nothing more, in his opinion, than siren songs that are almost always pernicious. 

For the author, it is not important to get his answers right, but rather to formulate the key questions and at least get a truly critical debate going. Without this, without the architect honestly putting himself in perspective, there will be no way out. And yet it exists for those who are attentive to the signs. Or so the author believes. 


Carlos J. irisarri Martínez

Doctor of Architecture and Master in Territorial Policy and Urban Planning, he is currently studying Social and Cultural Anthropology. He carries out his professional activity carrying out building projects and urban planning and real estate valuation reports. He also teaches as an assistant lecturer at the European University in the subjects of Deontology and History of Art and Architecture, and is a guest speaker at various postgraduate programmes and professional conferences. He is the author of numerous articles, papers and publications, including the books El arquitecto práctico and El arquitecto en perspectiva, which received a special mention from the Interprofessional Union of the Community of Madrid. His research activity revolves around the professional behaviour of architects, their ethics and their role in society. Since 2007 he has also held the position of Head of the Valuation Area of the State Society of Real Estate Heritage Management (SEGIPSA). He is currently immersed in an ambitious publishing and teaching dissemination project. 



Collection Inmersiones: COAM 2011 Distinction for the dissemination of architecture. 

Special Mention in the IV Prize of the Interprofessional Union of the Community of Madrid (2019) 




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