Perhaps the most defining aspect of an artist's work is the ability to articulate an aesthetic proposal based on his or her personal view of the world.
Every invention has its origin in the individual human mind, in the world of ideas and abstraction. However, in order to be consummated, it must transit to the physical world. It is precisely this leap into the material that defines the creative act. Thanks to it we are able to construct and give form to the concepts, images and dreams that develop within us. Creation is a generative and generous act; it is the sharing of one's own findings, the work of a lifetime, or part of it.
This collection, which brings together monographs, catalogues and graphic samples, seeks to be the vehicle for the transmission of this work, the means by which, through books, the labour of architects, researchers and artists in their professional development takes shape.
New Toldo verde: postales de otro patrimonio - Pablo Arboleda y Kike Carbajal35.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 700 g
Diseño Estudio Carme Pinós - Carme Pinós32.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 350 g
José Luis Picardo. Apuntes sobre el Parador de Sigüenza - J.A. Herce y M.J. Rodríguez (coords.)32.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 985 g
Colonization Towns - Ana Amado y Andrés Patiño [Fundación ICO (coed.)]Sold-out
Delivery weight: 2,350 g
Bizarre Columns - Carmelo Rodríguez24.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 420 g
Nada de lo humano me es ajeno - E. Delgado Orusco, J. Aparicio Fraga (eds.)30.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,000 g
Francisco Cabrero. El viaje a Italia - Iñaki Bergera (ed.)25.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 295 g
Fernando Higueras. From the roots - VV.AA. [Fund. Higueras, Fund. ICO, MITMA (eds.)] 3ªedition45.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 2,005 g
Material - Pich Architects28.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 540 g
Pablo Palazuelo. The Line as a Dream of Architecture - Sotelo y Raventós (eds.); [Museo ICO (coed.)]40.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,200 g
Inhabiting the 'White Island '- Antonio Pizza (ed.); [COAIB (coeds.)]26.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 565 g
Acerca de la Puerta (y las puertas) de la Latina - J.Mosterio y J. García (eds.)32.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 840 g
Madrid Industrial Villaverde 1 - Sálvora Feliz y Juan TurNot available at this moment
Delivery weight: 95 g
Timeless Architecture - Alejandro Gª Hermida (coord.); [INTBAU y CentroCentro (coeds.)]28.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 560 g
Madrid Industrial Usera - Sálvora Feliz y Juan TurNot available at this moment
Delivery weight: 95 g
Ramón Vázquez Molezún. Paisajes - M.Vázquez y P.Olalquiaga (eds.)35.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,100 g
Madrid Industrial Carabanchel - Sálvora Feliz y Juan TurNot available at this moment
Delivery weight: 95 g
Domestic Dawns - Espegel, Cánovas, De Lapuerta (eds.); [Museo ICO and MITMA (coeds.)]40.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,300 g
Travel Sketches from Elsewhere & Nowhere - Lucien Steil42.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,400 g
Edificio Fontán - Perea, Suárez, Torrelo24.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 500 g
Descampados - María Auxiliadora Gálvez25.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 460 g
SCÈNES DE NUIT - HEAD Gèneve29.50 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 700 g
BERNABAD. Type and Territory - Bernabad; Iñaki Bergera (ed.)35.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 1,400 g
Hassan Fathy: a contracorriente - VV.AA. [ J.T. Martínez (coord.)]26.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 500 g
La Escuela de Aparejadores de Madrid - J. García; A.Rodríguez (eds.)32.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 925 g
Imagining the Mediterranean House- VV.AA. [Antonio Pizza (ed.), Museo ICO (coeds.)]Sold-out
Delivery weight: 1,400 g
This Long Journey into Your Gaze - Rachid Koraïchi, Casa Árabe18.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 350 g
Fernando Higueras. From the roots - VV.AA. [Fund. Higueras, Fund. ICO, M.Fomento (eds.)] 2ªediciónSold-out
Delivery weight: 2,005 g
Programas a mano - Gerardo Ayala17.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 500 g
Usted está aquí - Recetas Urbanas 201832.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 683 g
Public Poems. 50 años de escritura en la calle - Alain Arias-Misson24.50 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 300 g
Ornamento Journal #3 MAEKAWA - Miguel Sotos16.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 172 g
Extravaganza or the other Hassan Fathy: Sa Bassa Blanca - Leïla El-Wakil28.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 760 g
From Scattered Fragments - Susana Velasco32.00 € *Delivery period: 2 - 4 working days
Delivery weight: 770 g
1 - 36 of 47 results |